Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's been a busy summer so far...

Hi all,

Sorry it's been so long since the last update. My dad is having a pretty good summer! Our most recent ct-scan and x-xay showed that the main tumor, the one by his lymph nodes in the chest, may be slightly bigger, but nothing is changing the current treatment. We have chemo on Monday, June 1st and then we'll have more scans about three weeks from that point. Depending on those scans, a pill may be introduced to my dad's regiment, and we'll know more later. I will certainly share when we find out. On a good note, all the smaller tumors throughout the lungs appeared slightly smaller. The darn main tumor is fighting as hard as my dad, but he won't give up and is in good spirits. He's even talking about the possibility of travel. Yosemite. My uncle on my mom's side lives on the edge of the park (it's a big place, I know). And we are looking forward to the visit.

Krista had prom a few weeks ago. Kevin has graduated from 8th grade. Marty is travelling for work again. Al is now Assistant Chief for the Oregon Fire Dept. (along with Leuitenant at Lombard). Michelle and I are pretty much along for the ride. Michelle keeps busy running the kids around and I am gardening like a mad-woman, still looking for work. My mom is doing her thing as well, still doing her swimming and taking excellent care of the youngest kids (Jessie and Casey).

All in all, we're having a good summer and my dad is really enjoying all the excitement of the grandkids.

Love to you all and we'll post again soon!

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