Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Most Recent Doctor's Appt.

Well, it went as well as expected. No surprises. Well, one... he has lost more weight than we expected to see. 11 pounds in four weeks.

We saw the Oncologist yesterday and my dad was in good spirits. He always tries to downplay his symptoms, as if "if I don't admit them, maybe they'll go away". Too bad Michelle, my mom, and I always narc him out to the doctor.... LOL.

Not much pain, coughing is pretty bad. He is beginning his days around noon or 1pm. First thing, he heads to the porch for some sitting in the sun, then breakfast with mom. After that, he'll lay down, not always to sleep, just rest. We'll take him for walks in his wheelchair, he really loves that.

We have a very exciting weekend coming, his nephew Jim will be visiting for the day on Saturday. Michelle, Krista, and I will be homecoming dress shopping during the day to give them some time alone, and then we'll all meet up later on, probably for food. Mike's appetite is pretty good and he is being encouraged to snack on fatty foods between fatty, calorie loaded, meals. I wish someone would tell me that's a good idea for my body... who wouldn't want to eat what they want, as much as they want, when they want?

Sonia and Tom, dear friends of family (and Sonia Linnea is my mom's best friend since 2nd grade - as well as the fact that I am named after her), have been making the trip out to Oregon, IL weekly to help around the house and keep company. Tom sits with my dad while Sonia and my mom do the shopping. Tom is really handy and will fix whatever needs tending too. Other wonderful friends in the neighborhood have pitched in as well and it is so appreciated!

All in all, we're blessed. The time we have, the friends and family we keep, and knowing how much we all are loved.

Thanks to everyone.

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