Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Best wishes for the New Year

Look at the calendar. It's a brand new year; and the bad, old year is fading away and disappearing behind us. Everything in the future looks good seen through my rose colored glasses.

It's not really fair, what I am saying, however. I may not have liked 2008 very much, but there were some really good things happened in 2008. people got promoted at work; there are new babies in the family; Steve Sr. is slim and svelt; and, we got together and enjoyed the holidays.

New baby:
I spoke to Grandma Patsy, today. She has held Jeff's new baby and he is healthy and cute just as he should be.

Shopping with grandchildren:
Krista and Kevin took us shopping last week. They are really good shoppers. Carolyn and I saw them grab clothes quicker than we could follow with our eyes. Then they went in and tried them on and came out looking great. They also go to stores that I never heard of. Hollisters?, that's not JC Penneys! It was all great fun.

Jeni and Tracy brought some great pix to Oregon on the 20th and gave us copies. Like from Sarah and Brian's wedding. There were also some great pix taken that day. Those are slowly making their way around, I hope.

Thanks to all for letting me check in with you. These are the good days, so let's all take advantage and hope every day in our lives is this good.


Uncle, grandpa, brother, cousin Mike

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