Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry medical Christmas letter

First, please don't miss Jody's journal just below mine. It's good that we were both inspired to write today. I guess we both felt the love and wanted to express it today. Also, on my part, I've been waiting for my DSL provider to get a new modem to me so I could get back on the internet.

It was great that so many of us were able to assemble in the little town of Oregon, Il. on Saturday, Dec. 2o. Those who could not come were missed but between a generous luncheon spread (at Maxsons Buffet on the grand and glorious Rock river) and a gathering of the Egan and Rice clans at Michelle's house afterwords it was a day that made my heart feel good. We were very lucky that we caught the only day of good weather in the last week.

I hope that everyone is as well as can be and you are getting what you want for Christmas. I'm sure that for many of us that is the same thing. I know that my current recovery from my symptoms is the best present I could have received for Christmas.

Most of us are celebrating the holidays with all the joy and love of our families. Meanwhile, someone we may not all know, John DeStefano, Bette's husband and Joni Batchen's brother-in-law is recovering from major back surgery having just come home after weeks of physical therapy. They are cousins from the Ronayne family where our grandmothers (and for some of us our mothers) came from. Please give John a thought and a prayer over the holidays as he tries to deal with the pain that can't ever be far from his consciousness.


rosemary,joe said...

Hi Mike,
We were glad to hear your good news about your chest x-ray.It sounded like your family had a great time this past week.We went to Iowa for a few days for a little get away.We had a good time
at the casino.
we did good,bad.ugly,then good.How is that for a sentence?
We are happy that the four of us can get together for Christmas to eat in Rockford and play cards again.We hope your family has a Merry Christmas and a healthy New year.We hope that for everyone and that encludes Rosemary and me.
See you Christmas day.

Stay happy and healthy always,
Rosemary and Joe

Patty Shadof said...

Hey Uncle Mike,
Glad you had a good time and almost everyone made it there safely. We really were bummed that we couldn't come but would like to try to schedule a visit in the spring. We got your email and glad the baked goodies arrived and you shared some with Aunt Carolyn. Did you get to taste the peanut butter fudge or did she just tell you how good it was?
I saw the photos that Jeni has on her facebook and everyone looks good. Too many bald men, though. So start growing some hair back and tell Marty, Tom, Brian and Steve to do the same.
Keep getting better and behave yourself.
Patty & Harley