Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Road Less Traveled...

Well everyone, summer is nearing its end and with the new season's approach, we also have a new season in Mike's life.

A few weeks ago he made the decision which to most would be almost impossible. He has chosen to end his chemotherapy and shoot for quality of life in his final time with us here. It has been an emotional rollercoaster for eveyone involved, but he is making his peace with his decision and as always, we are supporting him and standing by him. I cannot imagine how this effects our mother. As children, Michelle and I know that is is nature's way that we eventually lose our parents, though it doesn't make it any easier. For mom, as a spouse of almost 50 years, the thought of loss must be too much to comprehend. She is doing amazingly well, spoiling dad rotton and tending to his every need.

He is resting much more these days. Each day is a new lesson in life and it's importance. You begin to think of all the things you want to share, ensure they know how very much you love them. I think we have all done an excellent job. He knows how much we love and value him, and we know as well his feelings for us.

Michelle has been working very hard getting all the financials in order for our mom. His only wish is to not leave anything of burden behind. As if he could....

It is funny to watch him. As he nods off, sometime he talks in his sleep and we all lean in to try and catch pieces of his dreams. Other times, when we believe him to be napping, he will surprise us with a smile - his way of joining in the conversation. The cough is getting pretty bad these days and he enjoys us "talking around him" more and more, just knowing we are there lifts his spirits.

To those of you who have been able to stop in and visit, please continue to do so and know how much he praises you. Those are the best parts of his day and when he has a visit to look forward to, he really perks up. He really enjoys going out on the front porch and sitting in the sun. When he can do that with his visitors, it really is great for him.

The next few months hold a lot for us as family and friends. The Oncologist has discussed our options of hospice and we will continue monthly doctor's visits until we head down that avenue. Once we choose hospice, the doctor's visits end... and yet another new path will begin.

1 comment:

square gardener said...

I know the decision you made was a very difficult one. Also one that is going to be exceptionally hard for me to accept. This is the first time in my life when I know when its time for someone I know to leave this earth and the tears have already started to form. I am happy to know you will be in a better place without pain. A place we all hope to go. While I know there is still some time before you make your next journey, I feel there is still much to learn from you and pray that I will see you again. You are and will always be in my heart, Godfather. I love you.
